New Purflux’s “FL” modules use 100% synthetic filtration media that improves filtration in modern downsized direct injection engines. They can support higher oil flow, up to 65 L/min. and temperature up to 160°C. Thanks to new Purflux’s modules “FL289” and “FL290” maintenances fees are reduced and the change interval is up to 50.000 Km.
Mercedes had chosen for the first time Purflux’s new oil filtration modules “FL289” and “FL290”, equipped with new oil filter “L394”, to be fixed on new Mercedes gasoline engines “M276 V6” and “M278 V8” which will equip new coupé “CLS 500”, “Class C” and “Class E” models. New engines’ power is increased by 12% to 32%, while fuel consumption is reduced by 10%.
Purflux’s “FL” new oil filters had been chosen by Mercedes, among several other OE manufacturers, because they use a 100% synthetic filtration media and “Chevron” pleated technology. This technology developed by Purflux enables filters to support higher oil flow, up to 65 liters per minute and higher temperatures, up to 160°C.
Moreover the 100% synthetic filtration media, made in polyester fibers, increases filter change interval up to 50.000 km. This means a great improvement compared with the change interval of the older filtration Medias. With this change interval, Mercedes offers to its customers optimal maintenance fees.
To reach this level of performances, Purflux’s R&D teams optimized technology still used on some of the European most famous engines.
New oil modules filter “FL289” and “FL290” and “L394” oil filters are produced in Purflux’s French plant based in Vire.